No good bands in Norway? Are you sure? Have you heard Beezewax?

Album number two from these here kids, and I enjoyed their debut very muchly, though I must admit I haven’t played it in so long. Ian has it at the moment, from what he told me, I think he’s making up for it’s lack of playing time in recent days. That record was a bunch of songs which, although all somehow seemed to sound the same, all were also very much great. So when I say “This record is greater”, well…

They open up with a great driving melodic indie rock foot tapper. When I say driving, I mean you can drive to it too. And you get tracks like that littered amongst the fluffier, lighter indie pop gems that also populate this album. Some very sleepy and dreamy songs on here indeed, and there’s even some keyboards thrown into the mix at times, and some harmonica to give “And It’s All About You” a nice country flavour. When you add this all up, I guess they are one of the bands that should be on the radio, but they ain’t. Serious Dawson’s Creek potential too.

“Dying To Hit That Note” is probably the song which has earned this record some slightly confusing Beach Boys comparisons, because the rest of the time I’d say the sound was half way between Promise Ring LPs number two and three – just refer to “In The Stands” for your monthly quota of P-Ring bounce, and a couple of other tracks for some fuzzed up pop punkery – with a little Superchunk plus the elements that stop Jimmy Eat World from sucking too bad. That should have you hyperventilating and wondering where the fuck you can get this record.