A few years back I reviewed a Rort 7″. To be honest, I kinda wrote (rort?) them off. Solid, yeah, but who can really be doing with solid when there’s so much grade-a stuff out there to be chewed over? In the time since I snittily turned my back on them, Rort seem to have developed into quite the beast. They’ve kept their belligerent hardcore immediacy whilst loading up on a type of grinding metal madness that brings the mighty Bolt Thrower to mind. Frankly it’s one hell of a development, and I really wasn’t expecting to be assailed in such a way when I lazily clicked the play button for the first time. Seriously, my half-mile journey from station to front door took me all of 28 seconds and I walked straight through a couple of brick walls and several parked cars along the way. This might not be true, sure, but that’s at least how it felt at the time. The songs are brutal yet somehow catchy, and the whole album’s an ugly, powerful escapade that’s way more fun than such a battering has any real right to be. Colour me impressed. Seriously impressed.