Black Cobra are a power-duo consisting of one guy who used to be in -16- and one guy who used to be in Cavity. If you’re familiar with those bands, you should have a fair idea of what’s going on, and if you aren’t, then fucking well sort yourself out. Actually, I take that back, because whereas their previous outfits could have been accused of drawing out relatively simple ideas over too long a time-span, there is a distinct lack of fucking about on this little triple-tracked beaut of a debut. This refreshingly brief slab of heavy rock filtered through straight-up stoner shite is over in six minutes, so you really can’t go wrong. I’m reminded of Floor’s old-school sound (circa the ‘Dove’ album), albeit with shouted vocals. It’s a bit complex in places, though not too much, and highly heavy and distorted, though never at the expense of some seriously catchy melodic riffs. Can’t wait to see what they do next.