Corrupted: slower than the movement of tectonic plates, vocals like a bear gargling valium, every single note urging you to dig yourself a deep hole in the earth, drink as much weedkiller as you can before your throat starts to melt and throw yourself miserably down.

Scarver’s Calling play a gnarly breed of low-slung dirty – nay filthy – hardcore. Not dissimilar to Dystopia, they plod steadily along, occasionally speeding up but never to the point where they’re actually waging war on the sound barrier. Atop the mountain of doom-laden riffs are all manner of silly yet engaging vocals, from burly grunts to a normal scream to a voice that sounds like the singer has a punctured lung and everything in-between. Decent, though understandably playing second fiddle to the ever-extraordinary Corrupted. Kudos, mind, for titling a song ‘I Have The Missing Child’.